Monday, September 3, 2007

Extreme Makeover Lima, Peru

This is the e-mail from my Father-in-law, Derwin Brigham to my Suegra (Mother-in-Law) writing about last night when they revealed the "brand new" orphanage to the girls in Lima.

Well this is our last day in Peru. I think I'm the only person from our team up at this time (7:30). They all get to sleep in. The sun woke me up. I ate breakfast and thought I'd send you one more e-mail.
After church yesterday we went directly to the orphanage and did our finishing touches. We had to be ready by 5:00 and then by 7:00 they brought in the girls. It was so exciting. the little girls went crazy and the older ones cried. Of course I did too, along with everyone else on our team. I watched as they opened their gifts to see which one was the one we bought our gift for. I took many pictures to share with you. So at one point I went up to her (Carolina) and told her I had given her that gift. She was so grateful. What a blessing. Then they took the girls to their rooms. I wish you could have been there. I'm crying now just thinking about it. They couldn´t believe it. One 16 year old girl spoke English and she just laid back in her bed and said, "Oh, there is so much room, and so soft!" Well, the revealing of the home went on for about an hour more and then we had to leave. The caretaker of the home spoke to us as a group and expressed her feelings. I cried again. She thanked God for all the work we had done and I heard the fulfillment of 2 Cor. 9.(the ending verses). Finally on the way out the girl we gave our gift to, Carolina, came up to me speaking through a translator, and ask for my e-mail so I gave it to her. I think by then she had time to read your note. So, what ever you said must had touched her heart.
Well today we get be tourist and to go to the market place. Then about 3:00 we have to be at the airport and it won´t belong we´ll be headed home.
All my love to you,


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