Hey guys, check this out. God has answered prayer in our life and in our best friends lives! God gave one of our friends a second chance. Pastor Heredes had his immigration court hearing and it went better then expected! What a Praise! We need to thank the Lord for that. Heredes & Marcy had a huge hill to climb, but God took care them, and will continue to take care of them. Oh, I forgot, He also gave them an SUV. Yeah, that is! Pretty Awesome!
On Tuesday morning I had an appointment to see my hip doctor, and I have to admit; I was a little unsure about this visit. You see; three year ago I was hit by a drunk driver and I had my arm broken and my hip dislocated . My wife and I had been praying that we would get good news at this visit. It had been three year since the accident , and it was time for my hip to start to deteriorate. Well, that is when God stepped in! ALL of my x-rays showed that my hip was in excellent condition. The Doctor said that I should not have any problem with it for a long time. PRAISE GOD!!
God Answered our prayers about our finances as well. HE IS AWESOME !
I know that God has answered other prayer request at FRC, and we need to thank our loving God each day for that. In all that has happened this week; should show us how God takes care of us and how much he loves us.
Psalm 95:6-7
It reads" Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is our GOD and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.
Bow and worship him for he is worthy of our praise.
Before I Jet; please keep the people of Peru in your prayers. A lot of people are hurting over there, and we need to keep them in our prayers.
Till next time, See ya'll Saturday.
1 comment:
Awesome, Dave...God indeed is a prayer answering Father. We rejoice with you.
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